The International Humans Company has actively participated in the foundation of GLOBAL SPORTS INNOVATION CENTER (GSIC), an association supported at his launch by Microsoft, bringing their work to the creation of the center and its strategic lines of the present and the future.
The company is part of the Board of the Centre since May 2015, representing the SMEs in meetings of the center, and participates actively in all activities and advanced networking projects since its inception.
InnoSmart aims to develop emerging and sustainable industries based on creativity that emerge through:
- Identifying creative new uses and applications for current technology.
- Expanding the use of innovations and current technology to new sectors and industries where they were not previously used.
- Identifying applications that lead to a more efficient use of resources.
InnoSmart supports these three types of entrepreneurial projects and encourages research-centred cross-sectorial international business cooperation. The action is firmly set within the region’s smart specialization strategy and draws on 3 transversal key drivers: resource efficiency, creativity and cross-cutting technologies and services. The cross-sectorial fertilisation between different technological sectors shall function as catalyst of structural change in the region and facilitate radical innovation.
The International Humans Company has participate in this European Project for entrepreneurs and mentoring, supporting the partners of the Project, and elaborating the IMPACT ASSESTMENT report.
ESCLUWER (European Sports CLUBs Work together)
ESCLUWER (European Sports CLUbs Work togethER): The Project had submitted in 2014 to ERASMUS + SPORT. ESCLUWER is proposing to adopt a systemic approach to the Good governance and dual career, towards the promotion of innovation by reinforcing the stakeholders identified into the EU policies. The consortium members will put this into practice with the final goal of facilitating transnational fertilization, putting together all the spill-overs for such a goal, and further promote the emergence of new opportunities as catalysts of structural changes in the family and sports clubs.
Partners are geographically distributed in several European countries, SPAIN, IRELAND, UNITED KINGDOM, TURKEY and GERMANY.
The SmartCulture project aims at fostering relationships between Cultural Heritage organizations, regional cultural and creative clusters to create partnerships to enlarge the visibility and accessibility of Heritage collections and sites. These relationships will not only provide an opportunity to open up the hidden social and economic potential of heritage and cultural collections through these digital technologies, but also impact on the quality life of culturally diverse citizens.
The SmartCulture Project works to promote the creation of engaging digital experiences for access to cultural resources by the cross fertilization between ICT enterprises, Creative and Cultural Industries (especially SMEs) and research stakeholders across Europe.
The International Humans Company has participated in this Project supporting the building of the JAP (Joint Action Plan) and BP (Business Plan) since the beginning of the project in 2012 until the end in 2015.
THE SPORTS & SOCIETY BIBLE: The impact of sport in society, since the beginning of Homo sapiens has been more incisive than it seems. This international project, the impact of sport is delimited in the social behavior of human beings. It is an international project that includes knowledge of all continents, in the areas of anthropology and sport. For this project there is a collaboration between Universities, Institutions and Innovation Centers around the world, who bring their knowledge in the geographic area where they belong.